Re: Internet Worm

Gene Spafford (
Wed, 19 Oct 1994 13:56:13 -0500

The following is taken from
You can find all the other papers, appeal decision, etc in that same directory (as I noted in previous mail to this list):

Robert T. Morris, the author of the Internet Worm program, was
convicted of a Federal felony in the case.  The law involved was 18
USC 1030 (A)(5)(a) the Computer Crime and Abuse Act of 1986.  He was found
guilty in February of 1990 in US District Court in Syracuse, NY.

In May of 1990, he was sentenced -- outside of Federal sentencing
guidelines -- to 3 years of probation, 400 hours of community service,
and $10,050 in fines plus probation costs.  His lawyers appealed the
conviction to the Circuit Court of Appeals, and the conviction was
upheld.  His lawyers then appealed to the Supreme Court, but the Court
declined to hear the case -- leaving the conviction intact.

For a while, Robert was (allegedly) working as a programmer (non-security related) for CenterLine Software (makers of CodeCenter, et. al.).  More
recently, Robert has been working on his Ph.D. under the direction of
H.T. Kung at Harvard University.